A quick look around the plot and something is eating my parsnips and strawberries.
Tag Archives: spring
Steve’s Allotment Episode 20 – Seedlings and Seed Potatoes
In this episode, I show you around the greenhouse where some of my seedlings have started to fire. I also take a quick look at my seed potatoes. Any comments or suggestions, please leave them below.
Steve’s Allotment Episode 15 – Quick Tour
Today I show you what’s growing in the greenhouse. My early potatoes that are growing in the greenhouse are growing well. The seedlings are doing well and won’t be long until they are planted out.The early potatoes have been topped up with soil, although the main crop aren’t doing anything. I thought I killed a lot of my fruit bushes over winter, but thankfully a lot of them survived. And finally, I show you my wild life pond, which is very much a work in progress.
The Vegetable Growing Year: Jobs to do in April
Spring is here, the soil is starting to warm up and by now your seedlings should start popping up. However it is important to keep an eye on the weather as cold snaps in April are not unknown.
Weeds will also take this opportunity to take over, so keep the hoe going. Simply slide your hoe back and forth under the soil to kill and stop the weeds taking hold. Also remember to sharpen your hoe to make things easier. Continue reading
The Vegetable Growing Year: Jobs to do in March
March is the month when the weather usually starts to get better and things are springing into action. March is the meteorological beginning of spring but the weather can still be bad, and can catch people out. Continue reading