A quick walkabout at the beginning of June.
The potatoes in the greenhouse are starting to flower and it won’t be long until they are ready to harvest.
Tomatoes are coming along nicely.
Rhubarb is going crazy.
And the pigeons are causing nothing but issues.
Giant marrows have been planted.
Tag Archives: garlic
Steve’s Allotment Episode 19 – Winter 14/02/2016
A quick look around the plot on a sunny February day. I’ve started to prep my beds ready for the growing season and I’ve started to sow a few veg and potatoes.
The Vegetable Growing Year: Jobs to do in October
October marks the start of the cooler weather with some frosts later in the month. Your tender crops should now be harvested leaving you with your hardier, overwintering crops. October is a great month to start your preparation for the next growing season.
How to grow Garlic
Garlic is a must have vegetable and is simple to grow. There are two types of garlic; hardneck and softneck. Hardneck varieties produce a flower spike which can be eaten, while softneck varieties don’t and tend to store longer. Bulbs that are planted in the autumn have time to develop than spring planted bulbs and this allows them to produce an extensive root system and you are more likely to get a better harvest. Continue reading
Vegetables to grow in the winter
The growing season is coming to an end but you’ve still got time to sow or plant out some vegetables to grow overwinter. You can sow in modules in a cold frame or in a greenhouse and plant out in a couple of weeks. If you don’t have access to a cold frame or greenhouse, you can use a fleece to help protect the young seedlings. Continue reading