This year I have taken on another plot while giving up my two smaller ones (although I’ve still got these until it comes to renewal in April). It’s been hard work to get the new plot into shape and as such the older plots have suffered. However that isn’t to say I haven’t had a successful year. Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2014
How to grow Courgettes and Marrows
Courgettes and marrows are technically the same fruit, however marrows are left on the plant to grow for longer. They are a prolific cropper and you will always end up with more than you can eat. They are also easy to grow and look after, making them perfect for a beginner. Continue reading
The Vegetable Growing Year: Jobs to do in December
December marks the beginning of winter and the darkest of days. However the coldest weather normally comes late January/early February, so you’ve still got time to catch up on those winter jobs. Continue reading
Steve’s Allotment Episode 11 – Getting there
A quick tour of the new plot. I’ve made a lot of progress over the last couple of weeks and hopefully I should have another bed built in a few weeks time. Be sure to check out loldeantimber on eBay.
Oven Drying Fruit
Drying fruit is a simple but effective way of preserving them, allowing you to use them over a period of a few weeks or months. The key in preserving fruit this way is to ensure all moisture has gone. Any moisture left over could allow mould to develop. One simple way of drying fruit is to oven dry them. Continue reading
The Vegetable Growing Year: Jobs to do in November
The nights are drawing in and the days are getting colder. Thankfully there isn’t much to do on the plot at this time of year, so if you’ve got any projects or changes you want to make, now is the time to do it. Continue reading
Steve’s Allotment Episode 10 – What’s this, a new video?
Progress has been slow due to various reasons, but since the last video, I’ve had a new shed. Next to the shed, I’ve cleared an area for a greenhouse. We’ve also been having a lot of break-ins on the site, so I’ve secured my shed the best I could and hopefully it will keep it a little more secure. And finally, I finished my first bed today.
The Vegetable Growing Year: Jobs to do in October
October marks the start of the cooler weather with some frosts later in the month. Your tender crops should now be harvested leaving you with your hardier, overwintering crops. October is a great month to start your preparation for the next growing season.
The Vegetable Growing Year: Jobs to do in September
September marks the end of the summer, most of your crops are either finished or due to be harvested. That doesn’t mean there’s nothing to do on the plot. If you’re lucky, you might have an Indian summer with clear blue skies, giving you chance to get ready for winter. Continue reading
How To Dismantle A Wooden Pallet
Trawling through YouTube the other day, I spotted a video on how to dismantle a wooden pallet. Having done this a few weeks ago, this method seems to be a lot easier than what I was doing.
If anyone has any other useful tips for dismantling a pallet, I’d like to hear them. Email me at hamesy202 at gmail dot com