An Autumn Harvest

At the beginning of the growing season, I bought myself a variety of pumpkin and squash plants from a local garden centre and threw them into the ground, and left them to look after themselves. Fast forward to September, I noticed some of the plants had started to die back, so I pulled the plants up and left the fruit to mature in the shed. This is the end result, not bad considering they had very little water during the summer months.

The Vegetable Growing Year: Jobs to do in September

September marks the end of the summer, most of your crops are either finished or due to be harvested. That doesn’t mean there’s nothing to do on the plot. If you’re lucky, you might have an Indian summer with clear blue skies, giving you chance to get ready for winter. Continue reading

The Vegetable Growing Year: Jobs to do in June

The risk of frost will have passed and so if you’ve yet to plant out those tender plants, now is the time to do it. There is still plenty to do on the plot but with the extra daylight available, you should have plenty of time to get on top of things. Continue reading

The Vegetable Growing Year: Jobs to do in May

May can be one of the busiest months of the year for a gardener. The soil is warming up and things should be growing quite well now. However it is worth keeping an eye on the weather, late frosts are not unknown and catch people out. If a frost is forecast, cover young and vulnerable plants with a fleece.

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