July is generally one of the driest months of the year so most of your time will be spent watering. Generally, a good soaking every two-three days is better than a little bit of water every day. You can save yourself a lot of time and water by mulching with organic matter.
Give your plants a feed
If you are growing tomatoes, give them a feed every week with a liquid fertilizer. This can be homemade, using Comfrey, or stuff bought from the shops. Main crop potatoes will also benefit from a feed as they are hungry plants. You can use tomato feed or a general fertilizer will do the trick.
Pinch out beans
French and runner beans will continue growing upwards if you let them. Pinch out the growing tips when they reach the top of the supports, as this will help divert energy into the production of flowers and then later, beans.
Remember to keep the greenhouse well ventilated. Open the windows and doors, and if possible use shading wash to prevent scorch. Also watering the floor of the greenhouse will increase humidity and help keep pests at bay.
To what sow and plant
Here’s some things you can sow/plant in July:
- French beans (use a fast maturing variety for an earlier crop).
- Beetroot
- Spring cabbage
- Carrots
- Peas (use an early variety so they are ready when the season ends).
What you can eat now
Here’s a few things you can be eating now:
- Early potatoes should be ready to come out the ground. Although they don’t store very well, they’ll keep you going until your main crops are ready.
- Early tomatoes, such as Tumbler.
- Overwintering onions should be ready now. They are generally ready when they flop over.
- Courgettes
- Salad crops such as beetroot, lettuce, spring onion and radish.