I’ve been on the lookout for a bird table for some time now and couldn’t find anything that took my fancy. Most bird tables in the shops were either too expensive or the build quality was poor and I couldn’t justify buying something when I could quite easily build something from leftover material.
My problem was I couldn’t find a piece of wood that was large enough to act as the table. However, my dad soon come to the rescue with an old table top that he had in the garage. All that was required was some holes drilling to let the rainwater out and a post to secure it on to. Perfect! It stands around 3-4 foot high and does the job perfectly. So perfect in fact, that something (hopefully birds) are already using it.
Elsewhere on the allotment, things are really taking off. Potatoes are coming along nicely, my peas have started flowering and my french and runner beans have started to poke their heads through the soil. Although I am having problems with beetroot in one of my beds. The germination rate is extremely poor and I know it’s not the seeds as I’ve used them elsewhere and they’ve been fine. Oh well.