I forgot to post this at the beginning of the year. I uploaded a video to YouTube on what I feed my chickens and also how I clean them out. Check it out -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWbgjfwjblo
Tag Archives: chickens
Steve’s Allotment – The Beast from the East
We’ve had some cold weather this last week and last night we had some snow and heavy winds….too cold to do anything down the allotment.
The arrival of chickens
It’s been a while since I last posted an update….to be honest, I’ve been really busy over the last 12 months, and I’ve found it difficult to find time to update many of my websites, including this one. Anyway, there’s been some big changes on the plot over the last couple of months. One of the biggest changes as been the arrival of chickens.
I’ve had the chickens for just over a month now. I’ve got three Rhode Rock hens and they are producing 2-3 eggs a day which means the plot could potentially be producing something every day of the year.
At the moment, they are housed in a decent size run where I normally grow my potatoes. The run consists of two parts; the coop and a smaller sized run and then a much larger run. When I’m down there during the days, I let them have the run of the plot.